You are great *_*
I like your sick phantasies, the cool animation style, the sound.
And I am really waiting for the rain :p
You are great *_*
I like your sick phantasies, the cool animation style, the sound.
And I am really waiting for the rain :p
That was sweet =)
The graphics aren't the best ever but its okay.
I liked the music an the cute drawing style.
Keep it up
Work a little bit on your drawing skills and you will
became a good flash artist.
You have potential.
Oh noes!!1111oneoneone
He did it again >_< I'll upgrade my voting power just to stop you :D
Whyyy...? Why? Oh my god...
The pain! The pain!
Couldn't you at least put those "moving" things on the right side next time? o_o Just for me?
Youre gonna have to upgrade your voting power A BIT. ;)
Nah,left side is better.
Wow, als Halbdeutscher-Halbrusse bin ich wohl das geeignetste Publikum für sowas :D
Ziemlich grotesk, aber dadurch auch ansprechend. Der Vocal erinnerte mich ein wenig an "Bi-Dwa" bzw. Nautilus Pompilius. Nur dass halt hier auch growls eingesetzt wurden. Ich werde mich mal nach weiteren Sachen von euch umschauen ;)
Gute Arbeit!
Great work!
Nicht schlecht!
"Hey! Cheater an die Wand!!" *sing*
Weiter so. ;)
Wow, you are a genius *_*
That was so funny/cool. Keep it up and have fun @ E3 :p
Thanks! I had a blast at E3. I ran into Miyamoto, and got to finally check out Wii and the PS3. Some good times lie ahead for gamers! Thanks also for leaving a review.
Man, you´re so damn lucky, that your movies became cult ôO
Blam. But unfortunatly this won´t help :(
Yeah it sorta wont. :(
Sorry, this is a website for flash and not for videos.
Add animation and try again.
Btw: The song wasn´t bad. I liked it.
The next one will be animated...
That wasn´t really my type of humour but okay.
I have two suggestions to improve your flash:
- Use better mics of try to speak less loud, that was painful V_v
- Lip Sync´d be nice
Overall: Not bad, but not too creative and new.
Keep it up
And Iiiii - will alwas love noooodleeees :D
Age 35, Male
York, Great Britain
Joined on 3/25/06